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really good but hear me out, what if u culd play it online. like, online versus, wuld be pretty pog in my opinion

Played the game once and only once because it stopped working from then on anyone know why?


Ok so game is good love it a lot, but is it really 18+ if you can turn nsfw off?

Deleted 3 years ago

Yeah I didn't see that part. btw I was loading the game up but now it doesn't work you know why?


Ok when I try the browser version or the windows version, my mouse goes behind the game and I can't click anything. Am I doing something wrong?

The cursor is hidden in this game, since mouse support is not yet implemented (only gamepad and keyboard so far).


in steam ?

We'll eventually be bringing our games to Steam, once they're sufficiently complete - FLICK CLUB will likely be later this year.


This demo is amazing. honestly as is it could very well be a stand alone arcade game. the gameplay look is adictive, and even without the NSFW aspects the game feels extremely rewarding to play! only problem is that there's not much to keep you coming back but i reckon the campain will solve that. great game 10/10. (on a more personal note, i love the inclusion of Skye as a trans woman, this kind of representation is just pure gold :D I'd support the team if i could but i did spread the word about the game haha. thanks <3)

i forgot to add that a cool thing would be some thinner or semi transparent strike FX for that competitive edge haha


Why does the mac version of the game request input monitoring permissions?

Is this a Catalina thing? I've been holding steadfast to 10.14, so I'm not too familiar with how it performs on the current OS.


Finally noticed this updated, and I gotta admit I really liked the old character art style better.


We played Flick Club and Noods tonight on Dat Shorts Review! These games are sexy, slick and need your horny energy!


The hentai content is bare minimum in this one and the gameplay so far is extremely repetitive (and unrewarding). Consider adding powerups, levels and rewards, different erotic poses, more sexualized appearances to the characters, sound effects. Also there's a bug where their faces disappear instead of there being a reward, total mood killer. lol. Otherwise, a nice looking and working game, just not that much of a game nor hentai to it. Failure state???


The lewd content on display in this demo is just the tip of the iceberg - we have a story mode in the works where the post-match results go beyond stripping, with full-screen artwork.

Also, thanks for the heads up - we are working on a fix for the face removal bug that should be available soon.


Trans gals represent! 👍

(2 edits)

Out of all games that I expected to see turned into a strip game, Yoshi's Cookie was not on the list, yet I'm glad to see it happen regardless. Will there be any male characters, or will it be all female and trans characters?


That's to be determined - I know who the 6th character is gonna be, but the other 2 are a mystery, as is the actual number of characters in the final game (more support/budget = more characters).


This is like too good to be a porn game. I love the characters and stuff but I can't really get anything out of them since I'm too busy trying to figure out how to play the game. 

Haha, I'll take that as a compliment. Two of the things that we want to add at some point are a more robust tutorial, and some sort of single player campaign that builds the characters up some more - no time table for those, but they are in the works.


fun gameplay, cute artstyle, AND the inclusion of trans characters? you've already won me over with a tiny demo c:

also curious about the song that plays during a match - it's genuinely pretty catchy lmao


That's Groovy Cabriolet Ride, by StudioBEES. Since this started out as a single-person project, I pretty much went on a stock music shopping spree to flesh out the audio.

Great art, Great Music, Great Gameplay too !
Honestly for a pre-release that very cool. 

I'm curious about the finish game.

Thanks! Not to sound glib, but I'm curious about what the finished product is gonna look like too.

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh don't worry, character interactions are coming, it just wasn't in the scope of this demo; that's why there's still one round after everything's off, after all!

I do plan on improving the AI, but want that difficulty to come from it being smarter - able to do combos, strategically use items, and navigate around freeze blocks (especially the latter). I guess I could add a speed setting in the meantime. Right now, they just execute their basic strategy one move per fixed time interval, something i can lower, higher, or hell, remove entirely.


Decent game. Probably too involved for me to master.
Will there be a sexuality option? I'm not interested in seeing naked men/futa.

Will there be story mode(s)? Seems ripe for some.


A single player campaign is one of the things I'd like to add further down the line. I haven't hammered out the details of it, but it won't force you to play as/get intimate with specific characters - you can express your preferences that way, but I have no plans of adding, say, a menu setting that "turns off" trans characters.

Agreed with you there. While I'm trans and gay, I still think you shouldn't force someone to see private parts they shouldn't want to see.

Maybe not ''turn off'' trans characters, but maybe make them post-op with a button so that you don't have to see genitalia you don't wanna see instead?
Just a suggestion, seems like a good compromise

What's this, another actual proper strip game on And a VERY unique one! I gave it a little whirl, and it has some nice music and a nice artstyle. Interested to see where this will go.

In my brief try, I noticed on losing a round when the 'Take it off' prompt happened, nothing actually seemed to happen though. I saw a directional pad input, but pushing up or down didn't seem to do anything.


Thanks! If this was with a keyboard, the latest patch should fix that.


Gave that a spin and it works now, thanks for the quick patch!

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